How one mom is hoping to change the postpartum care industry – by creating one

I LOVED speaking with Chelsea Hirschhon, CEO of Frida Baby (even if you’re not a parent, you’ve probably heard someone in your life talk about their epic Snotsucker) for my latest piece. Her newest project is Frida Mom, a postpartum care line designed to help new and experienced moms alike get through the Fourth Trimester – those first three months after baby’s born.

How is she hoping to help? Well, mostly by creating a postpartum care industry in the first place. The reality is that here in the U.S., most of our focus during and immediately following pregnancy is on the baby – meaning mom gets discharged from the hospital after 48 hours with no help, no resources, and no idea what’s normal or not.

Frida Mom hopes to change that by changing the culture of silence around the Fourth Trimester. As Hirschhorn says in the piece, ““It gave me a lot of pleasure to step into that role as a brand where we can say, ‘You’re not alone, we know that what you’re going through is scary and daunting and traumatic and transformative; a lot of what you’re experiencing is totally normal and a lot of women go through it and here’s why.’”